Activate hotstar on tv

To activate Hotstar (Disney+ Hotstar) on your TV, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the Hotstar App

  • Ensure your Smart TV, Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, or Android TV has the Hotstar app installed.
  • If not, go to the TV’s App Store (Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, or Apple App Store) and install Disney+ Hotstar.

Step 2: Open the Hotstar App on Your TV

  • Launch the Hotstar app on your TV.
  • You will see an activation code displayed on the screen.

Step 3: Open the Activation Website on Your Phone/PC

Step 4: Log in to Your Hotstar Account

  • If you are not already signed in, log in using your mobile number, email, or social media accounts.

Step 5: Enter the Activation Code

  • Enter the activation code shown on your TV screen.
  • Click on “Continue” or “Activate”.

Step 6: Enjoy Streaming

  • Once activated, your TV screen will refresh, and you can start watching Hotstar content on your TV!

Troubleshooting Tips:

✔ Ensure your TV and mobile/PC are connected to the same internet network.
✔ If the code expires, restart the app to get a new activation code.
✔ If the activation fails, log out and log in again, or reinstall the app.

Enjoy streaming movies, sports, and shows on Hotstar! 🎬🍿

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